data-url or url |
- |
This is the url of the script that will handle the file upload, the file is send via AJAX, not a $_POST . An example is given in PHP when purchasing the plugin. |
data-download-url or downloadUrl |
- |
This is the url of the script that will handle the file download. An example is given in PHP when purchasing the plugin. |
data-remove-url or removeUrl |
- |
This point to the file that will handle a removal of a file on the server. |
data-remove-done or removeDone |
false |
Remove the file from queue when done uploading. If this is set to true with a single file, the user can add a new one. |
data-remove-done-delay or removeDoneDelay |
1200 |
When remove-done is set to true , the user will see a delay when the upload is successfull, otherwise the user can be confusted weither or not the file is uploaded. This delay (in miliseconds) can be changed. |
data-file or file |
- |
If you have files stored on your server that you want the user to control, you can show them via this option. If you have multiple files, you can add them comma separated in this option. When remove-url is set and the user clicks the remove button, the filename will be given to the supplied remove-url, so you can remove the file from your server. |
data-edit or edit |
true |
If you want user to let them alter the filename, set this option to true , if you don't want them to rename files, set it to false. |
data-form or form |
false |
If you are using the plugin in a form, set this option to true , otherwise it doesn't work as expected. |
data-multiple or multiple |
false |
Want to upload multiple files, just set this to true . |
data-valid-extensions or validExtensions |
- |
Control what type of extensions the user can upload, use multiple extension via comma separation. |
data-valid-mime or validMime |
- |
You can also control what kind of mime type the files can be. Only one mimetype is possible. |
data-autostart or autostart |
false |
Directly start uploaded when a user selects a file, set this option to true . |
data-min-filesize or minFilesize |
0 |
Set the minimum filesize of the files that can be uploaded. The size is in bytes. |
data-max-filesize or maxFilesize |
2048000 |
Set the maximum filesize of the files that can be uploaded. The size is in bytes. |
data-regexp or regexp |
/^[^\\/:\*\?"<>\|]+$/ |
When you can edit the filename of a file, you can control the regular expression the filename needs to match. You can control if a filename must have only letters or can just be anything. |
data-ajax-type or ajaxType |
You can change the method of the AJAX call, for example if you want to call cross domain. |
data-ajax-data-type or ajaxDataType |
json |
data-ajax-headers or ajaxHeaders |
{} |
Add custom headers with the AJAX call. |
data-random-name or randomName |
false |
Create a random name for all the files that you select to upload. |
data-random-name-length or randomNameLength |
8 |
Length of the random name (if data-random-name is set to true ) |
data |
{} |
The data option can only be filled within the javascript. It's a object that you can add when the file is saving via AJAX. The object will be added in with the POST call of the AJAX request. |
data-show-errors or showErrors |
false |
Gives you the possibility to debug the error messages when uploading the file. |